Changing the name of a GameMode Blueprint that is set as the Default in Project Settings and then clicking the Project Settings Default GameMode dropdown will crash the editor

Tools - Jul 7, 2015

Changing the name of a GameMode Blueprint that is set as the Default in Project Settings and then clicking the Project Settings Default GameMode dropdown will crash the editor. No crash report is ge ...

The ReceivedSpectatorClass function in APlayerController may take an incorrect parameter

UE - Gameplay - Jul 7, 2015

The ReceivedSpectatorClass function in APlayerController may have an incorrect parameter. The parameter it takes in is TSubclassOf<AGameMode> SpectatorClass, but this may be intended to be TSubclass ...

OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap are called multiple times when moving in a Skeletal Mesh component's collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 7, 2015

OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap are called multiple times when moving in a Skeletal Mesh component's collision. This does not occur with a Static Mesh's collision. Test project available her ...

Changing component type in code breaks blueprint details for the component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 7, 2015

If the VisibleAnywhere specifier is use in the UPROPERTY macro of a code based component, changing that component from one type to another (from USphereComponent to UBoxComponent for example) will c ...

Struct array variables interpret multiple Structs as the same if they have the same values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 7, 2015

Struct array variables interpret multiple Structs as the same if they have the same values. This does not occur if the values in the Structs added to the array are different. Test project in 4.8.1 ...

Adding a new code class to a project resets any Include Directories set in the Project Properties in Visual Studio

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 7, 2015

Adding a new code class to a code project, or generating code files, will reset any Include Directories set in the Project Properties in Visual Studio. ...

A warning is needed for turning off "Update Navigation Automatically", large nav meshes can cause crashes

UE - AI - Jul 7, 2015

A warning is needed before allowing users to uncheck update Navigation Automatically. A user has done so and then created a nav mesh that was 1,000,000 by 1,000,000 in size and they can no longer op ...

SEGV_NOOP at 0x0

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 7, 2015

Crash Report: [Link Removed] *Crash Report attached User reports, "Launch[ing] Unreal Engine 4.8.1 from Epic Games Launcher, UE4 splash screen will come up and after 80% of initialization; UE4edit ...

Calling RestartGame Function causes a crash when exiting PIE

UE - Gameplay - Jul 7, 2015

If the Restart Game function is called in blueprints or code then the editor will crash when exiting PIE [Link Removed] ...

Deleting a spline point of a spline blueprint then moving crashes editor

Tools - Jul 7, 2015

If you delete an end point of a spline blueprint and then attempt to move the blueprint the editor will freeze and eventually crash. Frequency: 1/1 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...