Engine.AIControllerClassName doesn't work when pointing at game-specific controller class

UE - AI - Jun 29, 2015

Engine.AIControllerClassName is being used in APawn's CDO creation, and if game-side AIController class is indicated it may not be available yet, which results in APawn not having AIControllerClass ...

[MAC]: Leap Motion Support?

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2015

Can we add Leap Motion support to the Mac? The current UE4 plugin doesn't support the Mac, but the Leap has official Mac drivers, so it should be possible to add. ...

[MAC][OCULUS]: Oculus Audio SDK Support

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2015

When/if Oculus ever restore Mac support add the audio SDK too. Investigate if there's anything we can do in the interim and if not then do a much better job that VR only works on Windows & add dialo ...

[MAC][OPENGL][METAL]: Investigate why planar reflections on translucent surfaces may not be working

Tools - Jun 29, 2015

See Comments. User reported planar reflections aren't being applied to translucent materials on Mac OpenGL, which may also affect Linux OpenGL and Mac Metal. Need to investigate what this feature r ...

[OPENGL]: Enable Subsurface Scattering

Tools - Jun 29, 2015

Subsurface scattering is disabled on all OpenGL platforms despite the shaders being properly translated & OpenGL platforms supporting the relevant CPU-side APIs. This also affected Metal for the WWD ...

Clicking the Add Variable button in a Struct that is referenced as two inputs in a function that is called in an Actor Blueprint's Construction Script causes a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 28, 2015

Clicking the Add Variable button in a Struct that is referenced as two inputs in a function that is called in an Actor Blueprint's Construction Script causes a crash. This does not occur in the Even ...

BSP option to convert actor to another type not usable

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jun 28, 2015

Convert Actor option in BSP details pane is grayed out and cannot be used. ...

Overridden functions in Child Blueprints cannot be converted to/from pure functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2015

Overridden functions in Child Blueprints cannot be converted to/from pure functions. Reproduced in 4.8.1 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2601051) ...

Analog Input does not work for network clients (AddMovementInput scale values other than 0 and 1 do not replicate for clients)

UE - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2015

If a value other than 0 or 1 (Ex. 0.1) is put into the 'Scale Value' parameter for the Add Movement Input node, any clients will respond as if the value is 1. User claims this worked in 4.6. ...