Mouse position no longer being tracked after pressing and dragging a button on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 3, 2017

Mouse position no longer being tracked after pressing and dragging a button on Android. On PC there is no issue When testing with mouse location via print string on PC mouse position will continue ...

Puzzle template blocks turn gray when hovered over in Code version vs no reaction in BP version

Docs - Samples - Feb 3, 2017

Functionality is different between code and bp versions of the puzzle template ...

Default values resetting for level instances of custom component pointers

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 3, 2017

When a code component contains a pointer to an actor, adding the component to a blueprint and setting the pointer to point to an instance of the same blueprint will cause the pointer to reset to "No ...

Crash When Renaming a Duplicated Collapsed Node Graph With a Period in the Name

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 3, 2017

A crash is occurring if you collapse a node and name the collapsed graph something that contains a period. The crash occurs if you copy and paste the collapse graph, and then attempt to rename it. I ...

Illegal Else Without Matching If

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 3, 2017

Looks like there's a missing if/else pair in BodyInstance.cpp ...

Crash setting actor rotation via details panel in VR editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 3, 2017

Crash attempting to input value for Rot Y in a floating details panel. Found on //UE4/Release-4.15 CL-3283184. Reproduces in Binary and P4 versions of the editor. Reproduces in //UE4/Main CL-3283 ...

Advanced Vehicle Template FirstPerson camera position is different between C++ and Blueprint versions

Docs - Samples - Feb 2, 2017

The camera positions for firstperson mode in advanced vehicle template are different between the code and blueprint versions This is not a regression as it happens in 4.14.3 ...

Texture padded to Power of Two do not render on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 2, 2017

Textures that have been padded to Power of Two (using the Power of Two Mode in the Texture Editor) do not render on iOS. In the repro provided, QAGame has a mobile interface that uses 100x100 textu ...

Bad references for Lighting Scenarios when moving Levels and Map Build Data Registry to different Folder

Tools - Feb 2, 2017

When moving Lighting Scenario Levels and their associated Map Build Data Registry to a new folder within the Content Browser, the references within the Levels tab are updated as [MapName_BuiltData]. ...

Media Player Causes Game To Crash On IOS When Loading Video Multiple Times

Media Framework - Feb 2, 2017

On the iphone 6+ it appears that videos played, then unloaded, then reloaded, and played again using the media player will cause a game crash given enough time. This behavior doesn't seem to occur ...