Crash undoing in Montage editor with no montage sections

OLD - Anim - May 22, 2017

Crash occur in the animation montage editor when the user does an undo action with no montage sections. ...

When using Set Master Pose Component, crash occurs when target has cloth

OLD - Anim - May 18, 2017

Description: Appears directly related to using Set Master Pose Component when the target component has cloth Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Lin ...

Crash attempting to force delete a duplicate skeletal mesh while in Paint Mode

OLD - Anim - May 17, 2017

The editor crashes when you Force Delete the vertex painted asset in the viewport from the content browser. This was not a feature in 4.15 therefore not a regression This also happens in 4.17 - f ...

Get Instances Overlap returns overlap outside of collision bounds

OLD - Anim - May 17, 2017

Get Instances Overlap returns overlap outside of the collision bounds. This effects the Instanced Overlapping Box and Sphere. It is also reproducible with engine assets replacing the Fencing mesh. ...

GetOverlappingActors/Components ignore physics actors spawned in with zero movement

OLD - Anim - May 15, 2017

GetOverlappingActors/Components ignore physics actors spawned in with zero movement. This only effects actors where the root is the DefaultSceneRoot and not the Static Mesh Component. User Descript ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UBlendSpaceBase::UpdatePreviewBasePose() [blendspacebase.cpp:1220]

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2017

This crash has been logged due to high frequency among our users. I have tested in 4.15.2 based on the user comments below, but have been unable to reproduce this issue. In my attempts the Blendspa ...

Skeletons don't cook in a deterministic way

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2017

The "Rifle_Skeleton" asset in ShooterGame doesn't cook deterministically, and as such is always included in patches. Possible regression of [Link Removed] ...

Trace Hit.Z varies strangely based on trace start/end Z

OLD - Anim - May 8, 2017

The Z value of a trace hit will vary based on the Z value of the start/end points of the trace. The larger the start/end Z range, the larger the variance of Hit.Z values. ...

Physics Constraint Angular Limits can be violated using Leap Motion controls

OLD - Anim - May 4, 2017

Physics Constraint Angular Limits can be violated using Leap Motion controls User Description: Door is hanging on a Physics Constraint. Closed/opened door wobbles when attempting to violate angul ...

Rear tires on vehicle in VehicleGame sample detach and drift back from axel as user accelerates

OLD - Anim - May 3, 2017

This is a regression from 4.15 as it is unreproducible on a binary build in //UE4/Release-4.15 @ 3416026. Both my 4.15. and 4.16 versions were obtained from the EGL. The more the higher the speed t ...