Single Frame Blendspace doesn't sample root motion

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 26, 2021

Single Frame Blendspace nodes don't correctly sample/generate root motion. The reason for this is because of how we calculate the delta to bump the sampling within the blendspace each frame. In a ...

Cannot select child anim BPs for use in linked anim layers

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

From UDN: [Link Removed] Unable to set a Child ABP with inherited interface to a Linked Animation Layer Instance Class. I have a ABP_Biped which is our main ABP. I have the locomotion (idle+straf ...

If enable Preview Slot of non-default slot in AnimMontage, AnimNotify of AnimationSequence does not run.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

The AnimSingleNodeInstance used in the AnimMontage preview does not consider multiple Slots. The following is a correction code. void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetAnimationAsset(class UAnimationAsse ...

Fast Path pin update can break when anim BP compilation generates warnings

UE - Anim - Runtime - May 13, 2021

It seems that a Anim BP that generates a warning will break the updating of pins that are connected via fastpath in other parts of the graph. This was reported on the following UDN: [Link Removed] ...

Split pins on nodes within sub-graphs in an animation blueprint are broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 16, 2021

There's a bug in the anim bp compiler which results in split pins on animation nodes not being merged properly back onto their parent pin during compilation. The result of this is that any input to ...

Engine crashes when trying to remove unused bones from skeleton

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 10, 2021

Engine crashes when i try to remove unused bones. I have lot of things going on in those characters, they all share same skeleton. There are anim blueprints with control rig and pose drivers, there ...

Crash when opening a sequencer that has an actor with spring controller registered and play in editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 4, 2021

During end play in editor, there is an access violation referencing WorldSettings from SpringBone.  In the attached project, the character registered in the sequencer uses the "SpringController" no ...

Crash on project startup due to certain Skeletal Mesh being accessed

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 6, 2021

If you open the 6 assets that were close unexpectedly it will crashEnemy (Blueprint), Player_BP (Blueprint) and ThirdPersonGameMode (Blueprint) it crashesThe texture and Projectile_Base (Blueprint) ar ...

Can't Play In Editor after editing color value in color picker

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 23, 2020

Can not launch PIE after set the value in color picker window to enter a number from the keyboard. Choose the color value with the picker or close the window with the Cancel button to return to it.  ...

Adding NotifyTrack from AnimDataModifier doesn't refresh Animation Editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 12, 2020

When creating a Notify Track using an Animation Modifier in the Animation tab of an Animation Sequence, the new Track added and applied fails to appear in the Notifies panel until the panel has been ...