Actors spawned by child actor components are selectable in the world outliner

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 31, 2019

The actor assigned to a child actor component should only have it's properties modified on the template, as the actor is spawned dynamically by the component. We used to enforce this by automaticall ...

Deleting elements from TMap Struct in actor blueprint editor causes Crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 24, 2019

Deleting elements from TMap Struct in the Actor Blueprint Editor (specifically, deleting elements from them) causes Unreal to crash ...

Float values are changed slightly in blueprints

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 23, 2019

Some float values appear to be slightly altered when they are input into a float field in blueprints. For example 2.6 will be changed to 2.599999. Regression: This did not appear to occur in the 4 ...

[Feature Request] Controller Input fires in both packaged build and editor at the same time

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 30, 2019

Editor still receives input if a packaged game is being run on the same machine. ...

Rename of variables are cancelled if user clicks the variable type menu

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 3, 2019

Rename of variables are cancelled if user clicks the variable type menu. This occurs if the user has not press enter yet to accept their input and then clicks the variable type menu. I also notice ...

Use mouse for touch enables gesture action on button which makes the button to lost focus to that the button fires onreleased event

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 20, 2019

When Use mouse for touch is enabled, the button fires onreleased event. Here is what I investigated. Use mouse for touch enables gesture action in the button that leads to LongPress gesture fires ...

Gamepad input affects multiple game instances at once, due to not needing focus.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 5, 2019

Since Gamepad input works without needing focus (which was added in 4.9 with [Link Removed]), a Gamepad's input will also affect all instances running on the same computer. Regression?: No This occ ...

Cannot move in Blueprint window on Breakpoint hit (only when 'use mouse as touch' is enabled)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 25, 2019

When triggering a breakpoint while Use Mouse for Touch is enabled the navigation functionality is lost within that Blueprint. ...

Enable Slate layout caching Will cause the Stop/Play Buttons to disappear

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 17, 2018

When using the command Slate.EnableLayoutCaching 1, The Play button is removed from the tool bar after exiting play. ...

Editor crashes when attempting to open the Window menu after recompiling a Standalone Editor Window plugin

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 26, 2018

Generated from CrashReporter Attempting to open the Window menu in the Editor after having used the Modules window to recompile a Standalone Editor Window plugin will result in the Engine crashing. ...