Declaring a TMap as a UPROPERTY fails to compile with a boolean

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 16, 2015

Declaring a TMap< [type], bool> will fail to compile if it is declared as a UPROPERTY. The error seems to be with the bool because TMap< [type], int8> will compile as a UPROPERTY. ...

Source build does not compile if OS is set to Turkish

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 14, 2015

Attempting to build the editor from source will fail to compile in VS if the computers Region format / Language is set to Turkish. This is caused by #ifndef Identifiers being translated incorrectly ...

Leading space in front of block comment above UCLASS Macro prevents compile

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 4, 2015

If a block comment is used above the UCLASS Macro, leading spaces before the start of the comment causes UHT to fail and the solution to fail compile with a "Missing 'UCLASS' in Class declaration" e ...

Passing a TAssetPtr into a BlueprintImplementableEvent results in a build error in the generated code.

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 2, 2015

Trying to pass a TAssetPtr to a BlueprintImplementableEvent function will result in a build failure. It appears that the TAssetPtr should be passed as a const reference, but this results in an error ...

AssetImportData does not get deserialized on a UTexture when loaded as part of a streaming level

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 25, 2015

The repro case is to create a material with a texture (texture T), apply it to some object, like a basic cube. Save out this level, level A. Create a new level, and add level A as a sublevel, and sa ...

Calling LoadAssetDataFromPath with default save path crashes the editor

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 20, 2015

Attempting to call LoadAssetDataFromPath with the path set to the default save location (/Saved/SaveGames) ...

If a hot reload is performed after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum class to the project, the Editor will crash.

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2015

Performing a hot reload in the Editor after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum C++ class to a project results in a crash. A normal compile in Visual Studio will complete successfully. ...

Serialization to archive corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 16, 2015

Values stored inside variables becomes corrupted after creating an FBufferArchive variable (FBufferVar), setting FBufferVar.ArForceByteSwapping = true; and then storing the original value in FBuffer ...

Actor created with same name as existing/destroyed actor is missing native subobjects

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 12, 2015

When spawning a pawn that has a PawnMovementComponent attached and destroying the pawn, if a pawn with the same name is re-created it will be missing the PawnMovementComponent. ...

Garbage Collection crash on Compile attempt

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 6, 2015

Attempting to compile anything in the editor (blueprint, widget, level bp, etc) will cause the editor to crash. Project Link: [Link Removed] Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Note This has only been ...