Objects improperly ticking in PIE dedicated server sessions

UE - Networking - May 20, 2015

https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/245084/objects-improperly-ticking-in-pie-dedicated-server.html ...

Adding impulse to a Static Mesh Component that is not the root of an Actor Blueprint does not replicate movement to the Client

UE - Networking - May 19, 2015

Adding impulse to a Static Mesh Component that is not the root of an Actor Blueprint does not replicate movement to the Client. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8 Preview 3, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable- ...

10 or more Static Meshes set to Simulate Physics and Replicates Movement will crash the editor with PIE set to 2 or more players

UE - Networking - May 19, 2015

10 or more Static Meshes set to Simulate Physics and Replicates Movement will crash the editor with PIE set to 2 or more players. Less than 10 don't cause a crash. The user reporting this got a mor ...

Editor crashes with 2 or more Clients when spawning in a Blueprint created from a Static Mesh using the Blueprint/Add Script button

UE - Networking - May 14, 2015

Editor crashes with 2 or more Clients when spawning a Blueprint created from a Static Mesh using the Blueprint/Add Script button. Blueprints created from Static Meshes using other methods do not cau ...

Certain components created at Runtime appear to have unnecessary scene components

UE - Networking - May 8, 2015

When PIE is selected certain objects that are created at runtime have scene components that give log warnings in the Output Log. Effected objects include GameSession and GameNetworkManager ...

Replicated variables defined in Actor Component blueprints do not actually replicate

UE - Networking - May 1, 2015

Replicated properties defined in an actor component blueprint are not being replicated because UActorComponent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps isn't adding the blueprint properties to the OutLifetimePro ...

FVoiceSerializeHelper doesn't add references to AudioComponent instances

UE - Networking - Apr 28, 2015

"FVoiceSerializeHelper doesn't add references to AudioComponent instances" ShooterGame crashes when following the repro steps provided by the licensee, listed below and on the UDN post. Crash image ...

Clients Joining a session destroy and recreate all actors in the level upon joining

UE - Networking - Apr 28, 2015

When a new client joins a server all of the actors will be replaced with new copies of themselves. This will cause things like the construction script and event begin play nodes to fire off every ti ...

Editor fails to create WebSocketNetDriver class

UE - Networking - Apr 28, 2015

When the Experimental HTML5 Networking Plugin is enable in the editor it allows for C++ classes with the WebSocketNetDriver parent to be created. Creating a C++ class of this type fails in the edit ...

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs

UE - Networking - Apr 27, 2015

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs. Location and Rotation are replicated as expected. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2522625) ...