Shift+Tab does not bring up Steam overlay when Steam VR is running

UE - Online - Mar 14, 2017

Shift+Tab does not bring up Steam overlay when Steam VR is running ...

SSL certificates for HTTPS are not properly verified on Windows

UE - Online - Feb 7, 2017

A user has reported that, due to a change that was made back before 4.12, SSL certificates for HTTPS are not verified correctly when building on Windows. This is due to the change requiring a bundle ...

ShooterGame clients are unable to see LAN Off servers in the browser

UE - Online - Jan 15, 2017

Mac is unable to host Mac or Windows clients in ShooterGame . The issue does not occur in: 4.14.3 - 3251583 ...

OSSNull doesn't properly filter servers based on settings

UE - Online - Oct 19, 2016

OSSNull doesn't properly account for bShouldAdvertise or bAllowJoinInProgress. These should be updated in OnValidQueryPacketReceieved. (Note, bShouldAdvertise is explicitly ignored in LAN matches) ...

Steam Controller joysticks do not register for Gamepad Joystick events in the editor

UE - Online - Oct 12, 2016

When using the Steam Controller in the editor, even if the left joystick is set to be inputting joystick events, it continues to emulate WASD for movement or doesn't take any input at all, depending ...

Steam VOIP will drop packets with more than two people talking at once

UE - Online - Oct 5, 2016

VOIP has a limited amount of concurrent clients talking before packets start to get dropped. ...

Packaged games do not display PlayerName correctly using Steam OSS

UE - Online - Jan 2, 2016

Packaged games do not display PlayerName correctly using Steam OSS. Does not occur in Standalone. Test project attached. To test, package for Development > Win64. When run (with the Steam client op ...

When updating stats on a Steam leaderboard, the only option currently available is to add the new value to the old value.

UE - Online - Dec 23, 2015

When trying to update a Steam leaderboard, the source code currently adds the new value to the old value instead of replacing the old value with the new value. This works fine for something like a T ...

Player Gets Booted After Immediately Rejoining a Steam Lobby

UE - Online - Dec 16, 2015

Several licensees have reported this issue. It is caused by FSocketSubsystemSteam::UnregisterConnection being called twice - once after the player leaves the game, and once when it is garbage collec ...