Packaged version of VR Template does not launch in stereo mode by default

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 14, 2016

The VR Template in 4.14 had a node in the level blueprint to enable stereo mode at the start of the game, but it has been removed in 4.15: [Image Removed] Maybe the "console command" wasn't the be ...

Editor steals focus during packaging process due to Oculus SetForegroundWindow command

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 11, 2016

This also occurs in 4.13.2 This seems to be the offending line in the output log:OCULUS: Info: [HMDState] Requested to SetForegroundWindow(1304bcll) ...

Adjustments to the GearVR IPD do not seem to work

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 11, 2016

A user is reporting that enabling the override for the IPD with GearVR doesn't work. They would like to be able to change this value at runtime. Setting the "bOverrideIP=True" and "IPD=" values in ...

Shipping build crash when unplugging then replugging Oculus HMD

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 9, 2016

Game crashes in shipping build when un-pluging the Oculus HMD, then plugging it back in. Confirmed in 4.13.2 from the launcher, did not repro via same steps in 4.14 preview 3 ...

RoomScaleMesh from the VR template does not show up in a packaged game

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 1, 2016

RoomScaleMesh from the VR template does not show up in a packaged game ...

Fixing up GoogleVRHMD static analysis warning

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2016

[Line 1585] d:​\build​++ue4+release-4.14+compile​\sync​\engine​\plugins​\runtime​\googlevr​\googlevrhmd​\source​\googlevrhmd​\private​\googlevrhmdrender.cpp(42) : warning C6386: Buffer overrun while ...

Motion Controllers appear to be jittery if the actor is attached to another moving actor

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 26, 2016

Motion Controllers appear to be jittery if the actor is attached to another moving actor. The Motion controllers shake as the actor is forced to move as it it attached to another actor that is movin ...

LeapHandGrabbing comment is different than actual used value for hand grabbing.

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 24, 2016

The comment for LeapHandGrabbing( ) states grab strength is 0.5 when HandClosed( ) only returns true when grab strength is equal to 1.f. ...

Instanced Stereo enabled makes Material Billboard Components only Rendering in One Eye for Vive

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 20, 2016

Material Billboard components are only rendering in one eye with the 'Instanced Stereo' setting enabled in the Project Settings > Rendering menu. If instanced stereo is disabled, it renders as expe ...