VR Preview crashes when the number of players is greater than one

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 18, 2015

If the user has the number of players set to more than one, the VR preview will crash. ...

The "IsHeadMountedDisplayEnabled" node always returns true if an oculus was detected when the project is opened

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 3, 2015

If the user has the oculus plugged in and turned on when they start up their project the "Is Head Mounted Display Enabled" node will always return true in PIE, even if the oculus is turned off. ...

Convert Mouse location to world Space appears to be returning the wrong values in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 14, 2015

When using the node "ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace" in VR appears to be restricting the mouses position to a small section of the available screen. ...

Editor crashes When exiting VR mode if the command "hmddbg showcamera on" was used

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 30, 2015

If the user inputs the command "hmddbg showcamera on" via a command line input then the editor will crash when exiting out of VR Mode. ...

[MAC]: Leap Motion Support?

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2015

Can we add Leap Motion support to the Mac? The current UE4 plugin doesn't support the Mac, but the Leap has official Mac drivers, so it should be possible to add. ...

[MAC][OCULUS]: Oculus Audio SDK Support

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2015

When/if Oculus ever restore Mac support add the audio SDK too. Investigate if there's anything we can do in the interim and if not then do a much better job that VR only works on Windows & add dialo ...

Screen goes black for the oculus rift when changing the Screen percentage on an AMD 200 Series graphics card

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 24, 2015

When setting the mirror mode and the screen percentage the screen on the oculus rift will go black if you are using an AMD 200 series card. ...

Get positional Tracking Camera parameter does not return the correct orientation for the hmd Camera

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 23, 2015

The orientation of the camera appears to be in the center of the level. The documentation states that the Camera Origin should give "Origin, in world-space, of the tracking camera" ...

The command r.screenPercentage ## does not work when in VR mode

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 18, 2015

Trying to set the screen percentage does not work when in VR mode. A user used an execute console command to run r.screenPercentage and it worked as expected until the user press Alt+Enter to engage ...