Cannot build for Windows with the Steam VR plugin Enabled

UE - Platform - XR - May 19, 2015

If a user has the Steam VR plug in enabled it will cause the build for windows to fail when trying to package. ...

DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld has inaccurate behavior in VR

UE - Platform - XR - May 6, 2015

Calling DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld while in VR mode does not project from the center of the Oculus view. Using the results of the call with a line trace will show the line coming off center fro ...

VR Preview causes the editor to freeze on Mac

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 21, 2015

When trying to use the VR preview with the oculus rift for a Mac the editor freezes up and has to be shut down. ...

VR camera and Player do not appear to rotate around the same point

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 13, 2015

When using the arrow keys to rotate your character in VR the camera becomes offset in the direction of the key that was pressed (Image attached with an exaggerated example of what appears to be happ ...

VR preview is grayed if the editor is started with the Oculus turned off

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 23, 2015

If the editor is started up and the Oculus is not turned on. The VR mode will be grayed out and unavailable until the editor is restarted with the oculus on. ...

Mobile HDR Path doesn't work on GearVR

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 13, 2015

MobileHDR fails on GearVR ...

The Yaw rotation for the oculus is saved between levels

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 3, 2015

If the player is looking 180 degrees from their start position this will be saved if the level is changed and they will be looking 180 degrees (the opposite direction ) they would have been facing i ...

FOculusRiftHMD::EnablePositionalTracking() may be missing a call to UpdateHmdCaps()

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 26, 2015

A user reported that the FOculusRiftHMD::EnablePositionalTracking() function is missing a call to UpdateHmdCaps() so that the status of the HMD is correctly updated. The user's suggestion for this ...

LPV Light Propagation Volume does not work in the right eye of the Oculus Rift

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 12, 2015

When Using a LPV the lighting that is bouncing is only visible in the left eye. Oculus needed for reproducing this issue ...

Crash on play if Oculus DK2 is on in Direct HMD mode

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 6, 2015

EDIT: UPDATE - All reports about this crash seem to be from laptop machines where the Oculus is running on an NVIDIA 800M or 900M series graphics card rather than the integrated Intel card. ------- ...