VR template in 4.24 binary engine works but not with blank project + steam guide setup. And, migrated working project from 4.23 also leads to same issue. working set(vr template) seems to have cor ...
Wireframe View mode only rendering in Left Eye. Was working pre rendering-refactor (4.21) Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN @ CL 10730208 ...
Left Eye Renders black in VR when a PostProcess Material is applied. On Quest Right eye renders post process mat and left eye renders scene, but upsidedown. Also occurs in Packaged Project and/or ...
Trackpad Values return 0 Additionally: I also observed that the Go's trigger is registering as Trigger MotionController (R) Facebutton 1 and that previously there were MotionController (R) Thumb ...
AR project crash with Automatic Environment Capture Probe Type. ...
Having an actor with a WidgetComponent + DrawAtDesiredSize will cause a lag spike when size changes in VR. Additionally, If you enter a value other than 100 in SetWorldToMetersScale the 'draw at ...
Oculus Rift motion controllers aren't visible and don't respond to button input from the controllers in Collab VR. Found in 4.23.1 CL#9631420 Reproduced in 4.24 Preview 4 CL#10387632, 4.25 Main CL# ...
ARCore Regression Not seen when updating 4.23 project to 4.24 This did NOT reproduce when updating 4.24 project (Created with Preview 4) to 4.25 MAIN 10406617 ...
crash log from lincesee: [2019.11.11-10.34.30:123][228]LogOutputDevice: Warning: Script Stack (0 frames): [2019.11.11-10.34.30:123][228]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: 操作成功完成。 (0) [2019.11.11-1 ...
Crash in MixedRealityInteropDebug.dll!WindowsMixedReality::MixedRealityInterop::BlockUntilNextFrame() check_hresult(WINRT_SHIM(Windows::Graphics::Holographic::IHolographicSpace2)->WaitForNextFrame ...