DrawBoxSweeps does not fully account for rotation

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 3, 2019

DrawBoxSweeps does not account for box rotation when drawing lines between swept vertices, leading to disconnected debug visuals.  ...

GetClosestPointOnCollision returning point on parent

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 21, 2019

GetClosestPointonCollision returns point on parent instead of welded child. From user: "The problem appears to be in PhysicsInterfacePhysX.cpp in GetSquaredDistanceToBody, line 2873. When UPrimit ...

Changing collision response in runtime prevents physics actor from sleeping after interaction with channel-relevant object

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2019

Changing collision response in runtime prevents physics actor from sleeping after interaction with channel-relevant object ...

Constraint to kinematic root body prevents skeletal mesh from sleeping

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2019

Linked test project contains already set up actor as described in steps to reproduce. Using a kinematic body on a root bone, setting all other bodies sleep family to Custom, and their custom sleep t ...

CCD can produce incorrect results at low frame rates

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 27, 2019

The attached project has a fixed frame rate of 30fps with a simulating CCD cube above a with a full restitution floor. The cube has an odd rotation, such that it impacts the floor at a single point ...

LineTraceComponent does not respect bEnablePerPolyCollision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 26, 2019

USkeletalMeshComponent::LineTraceComponent does not properly consider bEnablePerPolyCollision. It appears to use the component's bodies, which are empty. It should be sufficient to use UPrimitiveCom ...

ENGINE_API missing from GeomSweepMulti and GeomOverlapMulti templates

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 25, 2019

GeomSweepMulti and GeomOverlapMulti are not being exported, as the template specializations are declared outside of the physics interface class without ENGINE_API. ...

Rotating constraints in PhAT rotates both reference frames

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 20, 2019

Rotating constraints in PhAT rotates both reference frames. This behavior was previously enabled by holding ALT while rotating, as indicated by an on screen message in PhAT, but has now become the d ...

FPhysicsInterface_PhysX::Sweep_Geom calculates incorrect shape transform

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 19, 2019

FPhysicsInterface_PhysX::Sweep_Geom incorrectly calculates the shapes' world transforms, while an alternate approach in FPhysicsInterface_PhysX::LineTrace_Geom works correctly. ...

Shaped Trace by channel traces do not return true when the starting and ending point are the same

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 18, 2019

When a shaped trace by channel has a starting and ending point that is the same, it no longer returns true when overlapping an object. Regression: Yes This appears to work as expected in 4.21.2 bi ...