The 'Set Constrained Components' node doesn't set the physics constraint components correctly if used in the Construction Script

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 20, 2015

The 'Set Constrained Components' node doesn't set the physics constraint components correctly if used in the Construction Script. ...

Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 19, 2015

Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location. Other AnswerHub Report: ...

Debug lines do not properly draw on first hit of projectile when CCD is used and projectile is shot at a thin object or BSP.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 2, 2015

When firing a projectile that has CCD activated, the first hit on an object that is either a bsp or very thin wilil draw a debug line through the object instead of drawing away from the impact point ...

Using the ServerTravel console command with a physics vehicle present will trigger an assert.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 25, 2014

Using the ServerTravel console command to switch to a different level while a physics vehicle is in the current level will trigger an assert. ...

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 24, 2014

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load. If the DefaultEngine.ini file is deleted, then the project will start fine. ...

The constructor for the FWheelSetup struct in WheeledVehicleMovementComponent is in the .cpp file instead of the .h which can prevent projects from building if they contain a custom class deriving from WheeledVehicleMovementComponent.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 19, 2014

When a code class deriving from WheeledVehicleMovementComponent is created in a Vehicle Advanced template project, the user is required to include a constructor for the FWheelSetup struct in Wheeled ...

LIVE: ProjectileMovement component does not function when a PrimitiveComponent is missing or removed from the Components

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 18, 2014

A projectile brought over from 4.5.1 or earlier that does not have a Primitive Component as the Root, or removing the root from the projectile in 4.6, returns an error: "Movement component [Projecti ...

LIVE: Attach Actor to Component crashes the editor when used after Set Simulate Physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 31, 2014

The user has attached a small project at the link to demonstrate the issue. Occurs in 4.5.1 and well as Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2239587). Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

LIVE: EDITOR: Extremely large trigger volumes registering overlaps multiple times upon single overlap event

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 9, 2014

Update: 1/27/2015 User reporting multiple overlap events/end over lap events firing on smaller triggers, their specific dimensions were 400 uu x 2000 uu on a capsule   Build: 4.4.2-2289767 Descript ...

Show progress/cancel button during lengthy destruction fracture

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 25, 2014

When the 'Fracture' button is clicked on a Destructible Mesh made from SM_MatPreviewMesh_02, the editor immediately freezes and stops responding. ...