Sphere Object Not Firing Hit Events

UE - Gameplay - Mar 14, 2016

When moving a sphere using Add Actor World Offset, hit events on that sphere are not fired. However, doing the same thing with a cube causes hit events to fire off as expected. When you enable grav ...

Mouse is not captured when switching between clients when running PIE

Tools - Mar 14, 2016

If the user launches multiple clients with PIE, the mouse will only be captured by the last client launched. If the user Alt+tabs to another window than the mouse will not get captured and they will ...

Component Reference of Placed Instance does not Update after Removing the Component in Code.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 14, 2016

After creating a component in code and placing an instance of the code class/blueprint into the level, the component will still show as inherited if the component is removed from code. EDIT: Includ ...

Output log is spammed with messages from Physics engine unnecessarily

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 11, 2016

In a project where WITH_RUNTIME_PHYSICS_COOKING is used and creates a procedural collision component, the logs are spammed with messages about the spawned components requiring runtime physics cookin ...

InfiltratorDemo crashes halfway through cinematic on Macbook Pro

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 11, 2016

InfiltratorDemo crashes on a MacBook Pro ...

Normals Reversed when T0 is set as Reference Pose

Tools - Mar 11, 2016

When T0 is set as Reference Pose in the import settings, on an asset where faces have been rotated significantly (90 or 180 degrees) from the initial bind pose, the result will be some faces inverti ...

Converting BSP to static mesh on Linux causes the editor to crash

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 11, 2016

Converting a BSP to a static mesh will freeze and crash the editor when done on Linux. Windows does not exhibit the same conversion crash. ...

Grouping of multi-part Skeletal Mesh LODs causes only one part to import

Tools - Mar 11, 2016

When setting up Skeletal Mesh LODs, groups within an LOD Group in Maya are now accepted on import as of 4.12. However, it only brings in one mesh from the group. See attached image and fbx ...

Delay Node not persisting through Concatenator Node in Sound Cue Editor

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2016

Sound Waves do not continue to play when using a delay node before a Concatenator. I tested this issue in the binary releases of 4.9.2 and 4.10.4 and it did not occur in either version. ...

Behavior tree ignores decorator's execution request when it occurs during latent task abort

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2016

UBehaviorTreeComponent::IsExecutingBranch needs to include task state ...