Is hovered for a scroll box does not switch back to false when no longer hovering

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 24, 2016

If the user uses the is hovered node with a scroll box, the node will return true no matter what once the scroll box has been hovered once. ...

Setting Standalone Window Sizes within Editor Preferences not working as Expected

Tools - Feb 24, 2016

While testing the 'Shot' command for a user on the AnswerHub, I discovered the reason for the incorrect resolutions of his screenshots, was due to the fact the 'Standalone' window resolution set wit ...

Particle CPU cost highly increase at second "show" of a streaming level.

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2016

It seems that Particle CPU cost highly increase at second "show" of a streaming level. The Licensee's team sent a sample to reproduce this problem. So I put the project and wrote how to reproduce on ...

When Building Light for a SubLevel of a project, BSPs will be built into the level regardless if hidden or not

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Feb 23, 2016

BSPs will be built with light/shadow extrapolated even if they are placed in a hidden sub_level of the project at the time of building. Also Tested in 4.10.4, 4.11 Preview 6 and Dev-Editor-CL-28772 ...

Event Dispatchers do not update references when renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2016

Event Dispatchers do not update event references when renamed if the green "+" is used to add the event in the Details Pane of an actor component. Note: Event Dispatchers appear to rename normally ...

Crash during PIE using the Spawn Actor node on EventBegin Play on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 23, 2016

A user has reported a crash when attempting to use the 'Spawn Actor' node within his level blueprint. I was able to follow the repro steps provided in the original answerhub post and get the crash ...

Real-Time Collision for Spline Mesh Not Working in Packaged Game

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 23, 2016

When attempting to dynamically set the collision of a Spline Mesh component, the collision settings are not kept in a packaged game. Found in 4.10.4. Reproduced in 4.11 Preview 6 and Main CL 28772 ...

CL# 2858947 caused a crash when opening a BP in an existing project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2016

The character blueprint is in Content/Sarlack/Characters/SC_BaseCharacter.uasset. This blueprint is a child of a C++ file. Note from the person who sent me the project: "The skeletal meshes I am us ...

Game mode Login event called before GameMode BeginPlay

UE - Networking - Feb 23, 2016

Code / blueprint script for game mode login functions executes before the game mode begin play function. ...

InterpToMovement Component Causes Crash During PIE

UE - Gameplay - Feb 23, 2016

When using an InterpToMovement component in a blueprint with the "Auto Update Tick Registration" and "Auto Register Updated Component" options unchecked, PIE will result in a crash. Found in 4.10. ...