Extracting Sprites from Padded Non-Power of Two Textures are Offset

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 12, 2015

Extracted Sprites are offset when importing a non-power of two sprite sheet, padding it to a power a two mode, and then using the extract function. You can see this offset clipping of the extracted ...

Gray box at the bottom of screen shots on MAC if the window is larger than the screen

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 12, 2015

If the User uses the F9 key to take a screen shot of their project and the window for the project is larger than the screen, the part of the screen that is not shown will be grayed out (this is not ...

Inconsistent physics simulation occurring with vehicles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 12, 2015

Physics seems to be highly unpredictable when it comes with Wheeled Vehicles, where the results of the physics changes each time it is simulated. ...

Navigation agent selection fails during navmesh generation

UE - AI - Oct 9, 2015

Attached UDN thread and user's project nail the issue down really well. ...

Compile errors when passing interface array into UFUNCTION

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 9, 2015

Attempting to pass an array of interfaces into a UFUNCTION will fail at compile stating "cannot convert argument 1 from 'TArray<ElementType,FDefaultAllocator>' to 'const TArray<TScriptInterface<IInt ...

Vector Parameters are not registering as float4 in Custom script or via Component Mask

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 9, 2015

User reported trying to use a Vector Parameter with a Custom Expression and the parameter was only registered as a Float3 and would give the X3017 error when compiling. I confirmed this and teste ...

CMakefile does not generate includes and definitions on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 9, 2015

Generating CMakeLists.txt does not properly create includes and definitions causing project files genereated by Cmake to not have these includes and the indexer to not be able to resolve most of the ...

Linux Twin Stick Shooter sound does not have constant tempo

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 9, 2015

The firing sound in the Twin Stick Shooter template on the Linux machine does not have a constant tempo. The firing sound changes between evenly spaced sounds and closely spaced sounds. I do not se ...

Attaching a Skeletal Mesh by setting it's Parent Socket causes the mesh to be offset and rotated

UE - Gameplay - Oct 9, 2015

Attaching a Skeletal Mesh by setting it's Parent Socket causes the mesh to be offset and rotated User Description: I still need to test using the BP you recommended. I tried again using the charac ...