Re-parenting blueprint actors do not lose interfaces associated with their previous parent blueprint. Interfaces and interface functions can no longer be deleted from the re-parented actor. ...
When playing in Standalone with multiple characters there's the the chance that one of the player states does not get set and remains null. This is not a 100% repro case. Multiple tests may be req ...
Edit MattK: The reason they do not work is that material parameter collections are updated inside of a uworld that slate doesnt have access to. We just need to figure out a way to update the necess ...
Physics Constraint doesn't hold if one Component is used for constraint User Description: Hello, I recently updated the project from 4.7.6 to 4.8.2 and the physics constraint don't seem to work an ...
If the FirstpersonBP folder is renamed for the first person project example the First Person HUD will no longer function. ...
If a controller is plugged in before the editor is opened the viewport camera will start moving forward. If the controller is unplugged the camera will continue the controller input. Additionally, i ...
User has found an issue in which Anim Notifies, spawning particle system components that cannot ever render will leak the particle system component. The user has a working fix but it's likely not i ...
Placing a series of Play Sound Anim Notifies in an Animation and looping or playing that animation via Matinee multiple times causes the sounds to play all at once at the initial trigger of the anim ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] Multiple Mac users reporting crash at 35% Start up *See crash reporter Bugg 60426 ...
When using a capsule component for the character with CCD enabled there can be a force that pulls or pushes simulated meshes that are never touched by the capsule. Demonstration video attached. As ...