If a Material Parameter Collection with a Scalar Parameter is used within a material and that material is called within a widget the scalar parameter will render with a 0 value, even when set to ano ...
Possess() should only work on the server, and only be callable on the server. ...
Editor crashes when user adds array variable (any type) to a 3d widget that is used within a blueprint actor and then compiles the widget. Frequency: 4/4 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
Certain calls made on Begin Play do not function as expected. Users expect BeginPlay to be called when the game is loaded/playable EX: Using GetViewportSize on begin play will return 0 for X and Y ...
When importing tiled landscapes into the world browser, the landscape tiles appear with inverted Y axis rotations. ...
AHUD::DrawText can currently only accept a UFont asset. An overload of this that took a FSlateFontInfo would allow people using Blueprints to override the font size and typeface (as you can already ...
It just doesn't. There's a bug in the code, as described by user in the linked answerhub thread ...
UPDATE: 2/23/2015 Crash is limited to 4.6.1, does not occur in 4.7 Preview 8 or later builds (CL#2448202). ========================================================== Editor crashes if an event is ...
FPS drops in PIE when a widget is called that has text with no font selected. ...
Flying pawn from Flying Template does not collide with landscapes. ...