A player with UMG widget created on BeginPlay works fine when hitting play with only 1 player, but if you set the number of player > 1 it will crash. User believes this is somewhere related with t ...
Several Users are experiencing crashes on importing a 4.6.1 project into 4.7.0 (Release) Here are the crash reporter links: [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed ...
If the user wants to toggle the visibility of a widget and sets it to hidden via the event construct node then the user will not be able to change that visibility state later on. ...
Pass by reference variables do not work when called from a blueprint interface between two blueprints. Workaround: Use direct communication to pass by reference between two blueprints. ...
When creating fracturing a mesh in PhysXLabs vs UE4 fracture tool with both using Voronoi fracture and set to 25 chunks will give different results. The mesh (Attached below along with reference i ...
Character::OnJumped_Implementation() should be virtual or users' custom implementations will not be called. If they declare it with "override" their code will fail to compile. Already fixed in Main ...
When adding code to a project, class names cannot be used if they contain a portion of the project's names and the type of class of the parent. Message says that the name is already used by another ...
If you create a new Blueprint Widget, place a button into the widget, and click, hold, and drag a Named slot onto the button, the number of the Names Slot will keep increasing as long as the named s ...
User reports crashing upon open, saving or playing their project in 4.6.1 in Binary. Assertion failed: TargetDelegate [Link Removed] [Line: 5407] ...
UBlackboardComponent::CompareKeyValues contains a bug and instead of using KeyType's default class object it uses UBlackboardKeyType's which results in comparison of memory addresses. This obviously ...