LIVE: Setting sg.EffectsQuality between values will reset Destructible meshes if they have fractured

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 14, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Using the command line sg.EffectsQuality and setting a value will reset a destructible mesh if it has already been fractured. AH Post: ...

LIVE: On MAC, Atmospheric Fog Preview Renders Incorrectly with Default Settings

UE - Platform - Apple - Nov 14, 2014

On a Mac, Following the tutorial located here: When opening a new level, the atmospheric fog renders soli ...

LIVE: Changing a Custom Event to Multicast in a parent blueprint causes crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 13, 2014

Changing a Custom Event to Multicast in a parent blueprint causes crash if the Custom Event is being used in the child blueprint. Callstack: MachineId:DE189244480D3CD0F8CA729A02DD38A6 UserName:tjb ...

C++ Event Dispatchers target pin cannot be set to actor references

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 13, 2014

When connecting C++ created event dispatcher, the Target node will not accept reference to other actors. This is happening in 4.6 and Main but is working as intended in 4.5.1 ...

Android Galaxy S 3 (Mali) or Galaxy Note 2 (Mali) Mobile Devices Not Rendering BSP

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 13, 2014

When the user launches a packaged game for the Android S3 Mobile Devices, any BSP's that were in the level are not visible. Collision still exists, but they are not visible when playing. ...

InstancedStaticMesh instances fail to render on a mobile device

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2014

When a project with an InstancedStaticMesh is used in a level, the static mesh is failing to render on a mobile device Tested on a nexus 5 and an iPad air OS 8.1 ...

Cannot change color and opacity via animation key frames for text blocks in UMG

Tools - Nov 12, 2014

Changing the color and/or opacity setting for a text block does not register with the autokey when animating in UMG. Because of this users are unable change these settings dynamically via the animat ...

LIVE: Print string not working when nav mesh bounds volume information is pulled up

UE - AI - Nov 12, 2014

After place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into a level, launching the game and pressing the [ ' ] key to show information about the Nav mesh the print string stops working. If the User closes the game w ...

Instanced Static mesh does not LOD at the same screen distance as standalone mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 11, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When using instanced static mesh component in a blueprint that has LODs the normal distances for LODs are not reflected for the instanced static mesh component. AH Post: https://answe ...

Typo in Checkbox description

Tools - Nov 11, 2014

Under Project settings > Packaging>"For Distribution" when the user scrolls over this area, the pop up description reads "...If disabled, an development build will be created." ...