Branch Build Label UE4-Main Promoted-CL- 2323471 DESCRIPTION: User crashes when opening a Widget blueprint. Unable to reproduce internally. *EDIT* Repro provided by User ...
When a user compiles a parent blueprint, this error appears in the outpug log for the child blueprint: Warning: USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences() - Couldn't find inherited ...
Lock movement state on landscape does not save state on reloading editor. ...
BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2322258 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: When using a texture sample with the MipValueMode to MipLevel or MipBias with a value of 4 or higher will cause a crash. ...
Build: 4.5.0-2316912 Description: .exe crashes on iPad4 when attempting to draw a 2048x1536 texture to the HUD Frequency: 2/2 Repro: [Reproduced Internally] 1. Download attached texture file. 2. Ope ...
BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2322258 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: When importing a mesh into the editor if there are multiple LOD setup meshes in a single FBX they will not import as a single asset w ...
CHANGELIST: 4.5.0-2316912 CRASHREPORT: Did not produce an error report CALLSTACK: Did not produce an error report DESCRIPTION: Editor Crashes when placing a widget blueprint from one widget b ...
In Shootergame, adding a widget to the Viewport causes the editor to crash after PIE then re-opening the blueprint calling the widget. Additional Notes: This was repro'd in both main and Github. L ...
The Material Fucntion CylindricalUVs is missing the Object Position node ADDITIONAL NOTES: You can see the UVs wrapping around 0,0,0 without the position node attached, instead of the mesh's pos ...
DESCRIPTION: Collision's on CPU Particles are incorrectly being offset on Z by several units [Link Removed] EDIT: ...