HDRIBackdrop objects cannot be rotated in Sequencer. This issue can be resolved by setting the "Run Construction Script in Sequencer" checkbox to True in the "HDRIBackdrop" blueprint. If HDRI Back ...
Cascaded shadows disappear at some FOVs when far from the world origin. This behavior was not present in 5.2. Also found in CL: 32690246 in Release-5.4 ...
In Main, the reimport does not generate an error but the material instance is not updated. ...
WidgetComponent controls widgets through VirtualWindow, but VirtualWindow does not have HWND, so IME cannot be enabled. The following workaround enables IME activation. void FSlateEditableTextLay ...
If a DataTable Asset is created with a Row Structure that contains a member variable of type BodyInstance, the Editor will crash when attempting to open it while it has no rows. It will also crash w ...
This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...
This appears to be caused by the colour format. It only occurs when the scene format has an alpha channel. FloatRGB (format 3) doesn’t exhibit these issues. Unfortunately, format 4 is the default fo ...
tvOS should include the libssl.a libs as part of the install build. ...
The issue seems to occur when a replicated child actor is received on the client before its parent. The child actor will first be spawned at its correct global position, with its root component's p ...