While importing a json file with a large amount of sprites, memory usage spikes. The test asset uses a 2000x128 texture with 1024 elements. ...
When placing a Static mesh into a level that will cast a shadow and building lighting, no shadow will be shown on a character when walking through its shadow ...
When setting up a UMG HUD system, the Multi Line Editable Text box component will accept text, but all text entered is on a single line with a horizontal scroll bar rather than wrapping to a new lin ...
When Scaling in and out in the UMG blueprints with an image applied to an image widget that is set to border as it's "Draw as" selection the image does not scale correctly. EDIT: The UI should prev ...
When using a math expression node within a blueprint, the project will fail when packaging. ...
In the Beam's Source Module the tooltip for the Source Name is actually the tooltip for the Source Tangent Strength. ...
Adding a CanvasRenderTarget2D* UPROPERTY to a class and setting it using CreateCanvasRenderTarget2D will cause the Editor to crash on load. CRASHREPORT: [Link Removed] UDN: This was also reported ...
A scaled sprite does not appear to consistently maintain its collision for characters near its edges. I'm not certain whether this has anything to do with the character being in a fall state, but th ...
Opening the Advanced_Lighting Map, the new default map with 4.5.0 and 4.5.1, the Skybox has 4 UV Channels but all of them have overlapping UVs. WORKAROUND - You can Auto Generate UVs for the Skyb ...
When I go to the Input section of the Project Settings and change the key that the console is mapped to, when I restart the editor, there are now 2 bindings to the console. The default ~ mapping as ...