Performing a Hot Reload after changing a UPROPERTY from BlueprintReadWrite to BlueprintReadOnly results in the variable not being shown in context sensitive search results in the Event Graph.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Changing a UPROPERTY value from BlueprintReadWrite to BlueprintReadOnly, or vice versa, and performing a Hot Reload results in the variables not being found in the Blueprint's Event Graph context se ...

Performing a Hot Reload after changing a custom component code class can make the component unusable in Blueprints, or crash the Editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2015

Performing a Hot Reload after altering a custom component code class can make the component unusable in Blueprints, and even crash the Editor. WORKAROUND: Close and re-open the Editor. ...

MoveToActor doesn't update AI's path on goal actor's move

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

A number of issues with MoveToActor have been observed in 4.7.2, including: 1. Not updating path on goal actor's move 2. hitting obstacles after path updating ...

Editor Drop Down Menus become out of place when moving across a small screen to a larger display

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 13, 2015

In a Mac environment with where a MacBook Pro 15" retina display is used in combination with a larger 25" display "traditional resolution" the menus will drop down as expected on where the editor is ...

Launch on Nexus 9 fails due to unknown arm64-v8a architecture

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 13, 2015

Nexus 9 fails due to unrecognized CPU architecture. Need to add mapping of arm64-v8a to arm64 (UE4 internal architecture for this part) so it will fall back to armv7 for now and in future use 64-bi ...

Copying Blueprints folder within the Content Browser is not working properly

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Mar 11, 2015

When dragging and dropping the Blueprints folder into another folder, and selecting 'copy here' causes the Blueprints folder to stay as a folder and empty, but another Blueprints folder is created w ...

Importing DDS Cubemap with a resolution of 2048 takes 20 mins to import

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 5, 2015

Importing a DDS Cubemap with a resolution of 2048 takes approximately 20 mins to import into the engine. It will seemingly freeze the engine for the duration of the import. Also reproduced in Prom ...

BP-implemented BT decorators end up thinking they're not on active branch

UE - AI - Mar 13, 2015

This issue makes BP BT decorators not being able to run condition checking every tick. The core issue is here: bool UBTDecorator_BlueprintBase::GetShouldAbort(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp) co ...

uv scale of materials on hollow BSP does not persist after building geometry

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Mar 5, 2015

When creating a level with BSPs UV settings that are applied do not persist after building. Regression: Yes Working: CL-2386410 Broken: CL-2467323 ...

If a custom code class is modified and a Hot Reload performed, any existing unsaved Blueprints derived from that class can no longer be saved.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2015

When a custom code class is changed and a Hot Reload is performed, any Blueprints previously made from that class can no longer be saved. Possibly related to [Link Removed]. WORKAROUND: Close and ...