Memory stomp in UTexture2DArray::SetPlatformData

UE - Texture - May 30, 2024

A crash from bad memory access can happen when clearing the textures in a Texture2DArray asset. This appears to be because the order of operations when deleting the platform data is: ``` if (Privat ...

ExposeOnSpawn Class properties do not respect "none" as the value on "Construct object from class" node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 21, 2024

I think that the root of the issue actually comes from the K2 node behavior itself. If you copy your node and paste it to a clipboard, you can see the pins and the string representation of all the v ...

No camera Motion Blur in PT

TM - Rendering - May 7, 2024

YCoCg to sRGB?

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Mar 20, 2024

Both the material and the Niagara compute shader use the same function to interpret the YCoCg color data, but the Niagara compute shader returns an incorrect color. Also found on CL: 32347737 in Re ...

[Audio Insights] - Insights continues to display virtual sounds after they have stopped being active

UE - Audio - Audio Insights - Jan 27, 2024

Virtual loops continue to be displayed in Audio Insights even after the sound has stopped being active for certain cases. This also occurs when stopping PIE while a sound is virtual. The sound will ...

Combined Translate and Rotate Mode broken when using Local Space

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 22, 2023

From UDN: When using the Combined Translate and Rotate Mode we run into an issue where the rotation arrow moves twice as fast as the coordinate frame. The object itself rotates correctly, but if we ...

ICVFX Editor window blinking and render nodes hitching at the end of every Take Record

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Multi-user - Feb 10, 2024

After a take record within multi-user has completed recording, and with Toggle Multi User Take Recorder Sync enabled, any other control boxes with the ICVFX window open to UV view will flash with th ...

Lumen screen traces from hair cast noising moving shadows on faces

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - May 17, 2024

There is moving blotchy noise on the head and face from hair when Lumen HZB tracing hits hair.  CL 33258050 fixes the noise in the hair, but tracing still hits hair when it starts from surfaces like ...

Combo triggers do not fire the "Completed" event

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 25, 2023

Resave commandlet broken when using BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;

UE - Foundation - Core - May 14, 2024

The explanation from the licensee seems pretty comprehensive. Text from the UDN: We've been trying to run fixupredirects via the resavepackages commandlet, but noticed that the OFPA assets were no ...