Landscape Materials which use the new Grass Output and have Tessellation turned to PNTriangles will crash the engine Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2550487 & Releases/4.8/Promoted-CL-255045 ...
There are a number of reported movie crash issues, but this report likely covers the main cause. Garbage collection changed in Android 4.0 and we are triggering a check that does not happen with ba ...
When the use adds key frames to a new animation sequence and then compiles and saves the editor will crash. ...
When adding a start up movie to a project and launching it onto the Nvidia Shield Tablet device, the video does not play properly. The screen is warped and displays black bars. ...
Starting with 4.7 and when we changed the BSP blocks in Sample Content to Static Meshes, a significant minority of lower end PC users are getting soft crashes (freezes and rebooting required to cont ...
If a user sets the player controller to a custom Player Controller inside of a gamemode, then compiles, saves, and closes both the blueprint and the editor. Upon reloading the player controller in t ...
When spawning an instance of a blueprint using an archetype that is not a class default object, child components will be attached to the template component instead of the instance. ...
When checking the "Pause on Impact" check box within the details panel for the InterpToMovement component, the editor crashes ...
When setting a replicated floating variable, the replication doesn't appear correctly within the replication section of the Details Panel. ...
Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide Nodes in the Material Editor are not longer updating on input but on the next node added to the Material. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2541904 [Link Rem ...