This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab. This only occurs with one Parent/Child combination: the crash occurs when compiling Building whil ...
If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
After temporarily moving the pivot point (Alt+Middle Mouse Click on the center of the translate tool), you can switch to scale. However, the object still scales from it's original (permanent) pivot ...
Functions in the Level Blueprint throw a warning on PIE: LogBlueprint:Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (NewFunction_0) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied! Every function logs thi ...
One of the Child Blueprints in this user's project will not save its Replicates setting. The Blueprint (apa_room01) is a child of MasterRoom, which has Replicates enabled. When apa_room01 is first o ...
BP Struct's 'Bool variable' will reset back to it's default value on compile. ...
From user SONB: Launching the project for the first time on Android device the landscape has the correct material applied. However, if I change something in the material (for example adding a Lands ...
If the settings for the multiplayer options are set as follows: Number of players : 1 Run Dedicated Server : True (Checked) Use Single Process: False (Unchecked) Editor Multiplayer Mode: Play As Cl ...
The FComponentReference::GetComponent() method can attempt to cast to UPrimitiveComponent when FComponentReference appears to be able to work with any scene component. ...
When using the default value in a "get text size" node, the height and width return 0.0. Note: potentially returning null value as no hard value is presented to font. James: Should use same fall ...