When dragging and dropping the Blueprints folder into another folder, and selecting 'copy here' causes the Blueprints folder to stay as a folder and empty, but another Blueprints folder is created w ...
Importing a DDS Cubemap with a resolution of 2048 takes approximately 20 mins to import into the engine. It will seemingly freeze the engine for the duration of the import. Also reproduced in Prom ...
This issue makes BP BT decorators not being able to run condition checking every tick. The core issue is here: bool UBTDecorator_BlueprintBase::GetShouldAbort(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp) co ...
When creating a level with BSPs UV settings that are applied do not persist after building. Regression: Yes Working: CL-2386410 Broken: CL-2467323 ...
When a custom code class is changed and a Hot Reload is performed, any Blueprints previously made from that class can no longer be saved. Possibly related to [Link Removed]. WORKAROUND: Close and ...
Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference inside a struct results in a crash. This was reported to work fine in 4.6.1, but I was unable to verify that is the case. ...
A level will not save if a Blueprint that uses a Blueprint Component with an Event Dispatcher is placed in it. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary. Could not test in Main due to [Link Removed] ...
If you change the screen orientation for an Android device in the project settings, the orientation will not change once deployed to the device. Tested on a Galaxy Note 3. ...
Android Build will fail if there is a hyphen in the Android Package Name. The user points out that this may be because of how Java works. I have attached my build failed logs. ...
The new AI Perception system's BP API, marketed in release notes, depends on UAIPerceptionComponent::GetActorsPerception, that, as one AnswerHub user points out, is useless due to a buggy condition ...