From user SONB: Launching the project for the first time on Android device the landscape has the correct material applied. However, if I change something in the material (for example adding a Lands ...
If the settings for the multiplayer options are set as follows: Number of players : 1 Run Dedicated Server : True (Checked) Use Single Process: False (Unchecked) Editor Multiplayer Mode: Play As Cl ...
The FComponentReference::GetComponent() method can attempt to cast to UPrimitiveComponent when FComponentReference appears to be able to work with any scene component. ...
When using the default value in a "get text size" node, the height and width return 0.0. Note: potentially returning null value as no hard value is presented to font. James: Should use same fall ...
The 3D widget looks fine in the mobile preview. However, when the project is launched to a device the widget will appear upside down. ...
Windows: Opening a persona window causes the editor to lose approximately 10fps per window (4 persona windows open = -40fps) Even when docked and running in the background. Mac: Opening a persona w ...
Expand Node on a Function node deletes the Function node. If the Function node is part of a group of nodes collapsed into a function, expanding that new function node will return all nodes except th ...
Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) UE4Editor_Engine!UNavMeshRenderingComponent::GatherData() + 18874 bytes [e:\downloads\unrealengine-4.7\unrealengine-4.7\engine\s ...
Automatic collision generation is incorrectly rotated for sprites that were imported as rotated from a sprite sheet ...