UPDATE: 3/9/2015 Additional Information: User on thread https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/186928/landscape-collison-issues-recreatelandscapecollisi.html reported workaround did not fix e ...
GetOverlappingActors will return a value when used immediately after OnComponentEndOverlap. Putting a delay after the OnComponentEndOverlap call will result in GetOverlappingActors to return null, s ...
Sprite collisions do not accurately reflect the collision for the sprite. While the collisions are always the same between two of these, the collisions do not correspond to the shape of the collisio ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] Error Message: Assertion failed: ResultString.Num() == 3 [Link Removed] [Line: 298 Description: In the Content Examples Project, in the Blueprint, "CurveAnimBlueprint_ ...
If you include UMG in your project and deploy to an HTC One, the project will crash on the device. Tested this on multiple devices (Galaxy S5, HTC One, NVIDIA Sheild tablet) Monitor logs are atta ...
If you package this users project, you will get a fatal error crash after double clicking the exe file. I was unable to reproduce this issue without using the users project. Project download link: ...
BoxCollision component must be simulating physics in order for collision and hit events to work. Note: This testbed doesn't contain print outs of the hit events due to an existing bug with adding e ...
Using the ServerTravel console command to switch to a different level while a physics vehicle is in the current level will trigger an assert. ...
When adding the word 'Tick' to HideCategories in a blueprint or C++ project, the Editor crashes, with a crash reporter. ...
Distance fields causing a crash when used in conjunction with World Composition. ...