Unable to load ASTC_HDR cube texture on IOS

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 24, 2023

Project include a hdr texture "desert_outer_hdr" Texture size is 512*512*6, compressed with ASTC 6x6 HDR profile Stride should be: ceil(512/6)*16 = 1376 bytes However, if connect to xcode debug, ...

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only return 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 3, 2014

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only returns 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller. Input from the player does not affect the value. Note: this works a ...

Static code functions cause associated blueprints to not compile after a hot reload

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Oct 14, 2016

If a function inside a BlueprintFunctionLibrary class is declared as static, instances of the function node inside blueprints cause the blueprint to not save after a hot reload. This does not affec ...

Setting size of GameViewportClient gives different results on Android than in Editor

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 9, 2017

Setting size of GameViewportClient gives different results on Android than in Editor OpenGL ES renders with the viewport origin in the bottom left, so that's potentially related to the problem. A ...

Black artifacts when navigating viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2017

When navigating the viewport, placed actors can leave a "black shadow" as the camera viewpoint changes. The artifacting remains until "Game view" or wireframe mode is activated. This only occurs i ...

Incorrect values from NAND node with 3 inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 2, 2017

The values printed from the nand boolean node display incorrect values for the specific set-ups with 3 inputs that are in the repro steps. The node works as intended with 2 inputs, and with some of ...

Is Valid is true in PIE but prints false in package build

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 18, 2017

When using the IsValid node inside of a Widget blueprint with the Widget as the selected asset, the string will print as true in the Editor, but prints as false in the packaged build of the game. ...

Drag and Drop Import option allows folders with space in name

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 7, 2017

By using the drag and drop import feature, users can import files that contain spaces in the name. This causes an error in the editor where files inside it cannot save because of the name. Renaming ...

Unhovered event occurs twice with 3D Widget when button is pressed and held

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 21, 2017

When using a 3D Widget that is a button when you press and hold a button and move off of the widget and let go of the mouse the engine registers a second unhovered event. Engine Version tested 4.1 ...

[CrashReport] Mac crash - UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib!SWindow::IsVisible()

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 12, 2017

This is a trending Mac crash coming out of the 4.18 previews. Most of the project titles experiencing this crash mention "AR" It is the exact same callstack and crashgroup as [Link Removed], but th ...