Light Shafts Flicker in 4.19 compared to 4.18

UE - Graphics Features - May 22, 2018

Per Licensee: We have noticed that the volumetric light shafts have become much more "flickery" and unstable compared to 4.18.3. This is visible in just the empty project with an unmodified engine. ...

Gamepad input affects multiple game instances at once, due to not needing focus.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 5, 2019

Since Gamepad input works without needing focus (which was added in 4.9 with [Link Removed]), a Gamepad's input will also affect all instances running on the same computer. Regression?: No This occ ...

Visibility of World Outliner doesn't affect skylight

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 27, 2018

Visibility of World Outliner doesn't affect skylight. But it affects other kinds of lights like Point Light, Directional Light. I found that USkyLightComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent() doesn ...

NavMesh does not update properly when "Can Ever Affect Navigation" is toggled (For Static Meshes)

UE - AI - Sep 15, 2015

This issue is related to [Link Removed] (which was fixed). However if the user creates a new actor and then adds a static mesh they can end up with permanent holes in their nav mesh. If the user tog ...

Adjusting Lighting Rig Rotation manually only affects the sky and not the lighting

UE - Gameplay - Aug 2, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, adjusting the Lighting Rig Rotation setting manually doesn't affect the lighting. It only affects the sky. ...

The cap of a sliced procedural mesh is not affected by lighting

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2016

After slicing a procedural mesh, the cap on the sliced end does not seem to be affected by lighting. This can result in the end looking dark. ...

OSVR is affected by screen percentage Post Process volumes

UE - Platform - XR - May 6, 2016

Found on: //UE4/Dev-VR CL-2967563 Screen percentage post process volumes affect rendering on the OSVR. It also renders incorrectly when affected. The incorrect effect has been logged as [Link Remo ...

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2019

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 8386587, and 4.24 CL# 9428115 ...

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 18, 2016

Crane Yaw value affects attached Camera Rotation. My expectation is based on the fact that Crane Pitch leaves the camera level ...

UMaterialBillboardComponent Memory Leak and Hitching (Unreal 4.19.2 + 4.19.1)

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2018

Creating an actor with a UMaterialBillboardComponent causes Editor hitching. ...