Unable to affect setting cubemap blend in skyLight and reflections on transluscent materials

UE - Rendering Architecture - Oct 17, 2023

Attempting to blend SkyLight Cubemaps via the SetCubemapBlend function to blend between different Cubemaps to make the changes seamless is not reflected. As a workaround, in LumenTracingCommon.ush, ...

Teleport only affects static mesh of destructible meshes, collision remains at original location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Sep 15, 2015

Teleporting a destructible mesh only transports the mesh of the object, the collision remains where it was originally located. Further, if the player runs into the collision, the static mesh will re ...

Line height for text boxes does not appear to be affected by scaling when using a scale box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 12, 2016

When scaling text with a scale box the letter will begin to overlap when scaled up or become really far apart when scaling down (this is referring to the space between the top and bottom of the lett ...

The Tint setting under style for the slider bar in UMG does not appear to have an affect on the color of the widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 4, 2015

Changing the Slide bar Color/Slide Handle Color will change the color of the Slider widget. However when changing the "Tint" settings under style, there does not appear to be any color change. ...

Object set to simulate via a LevelBp will not be affected by a radial force component

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 7, 2017

If the objects are set to simulate physics via the details panel it works fine If the objects are set to simulate physics via a level BP the radial force doesn't work Attached video shows you how to ...

Enable Collision checkbox does not affect static meshes from static mesh editor when set to false

Tools - Nov 24, 2015

Setting the Enable Collision checkbox to false in the static mesh editor does not alter collision on static mesh objects. ...

Animation Rate Scale does not appear to have an affect when blending an animation with two different Rate Scales

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2018

Rate Scale does not appear to have an effect when using a blend space that blends an animation with two separate Rate scales. ...

Making a navigation system 'strictly static' affects all subsequently created navigation system instances

UE - AI - Mar 26, 2020

The problem is a result of two things: UNavigationSystemV1::bStaticRuntimeNavigation being staticUNavigationSystemModuleConfig::UpdateWithNavSysCDO copying the data from nav sys CDO, including bStat ...

When 1 AnimSequence asset is used for multiple SeuqnecePlayer, the override by AnimGraphOverrides affects other than the specified SequencePlayer.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jun 30, 2022

If you use the same AnimSequence in multiple SequencePlayers in Base AnimBP and replace asset of one of SequencePlayers by AssetOverride in Child AnimBP, the result will be reflected in the other Se ...

Mip Gen Blur Settings affecting Mip Level 0 when setting the Maximum Texture Size

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 7, 2017

When Blurring a Texture using Mip Gen Settings and setting the LOD Bias or Maximum Texture Size, the blur gets applied to the base Mip Level 0. This behavior is contrary to how it behaves when blur ...