Modified a mesh used as complex collision mesh does not affect the collision in the editor

UE - Editor - Feb 17, 2020

When a user changes any properties (for calling PostEditChangeProperty ) in parent static mesh or restarting the editor, the modified mesh is applied correctly. how to reproduce: [Link Removed] ...

8.1 Advanced asset creation selection is flickering a duplicate selection

Tools - Apr 26, 2017

Workaround Seemed that closing and reopening the project resolves this issue This is NOT a regression as it happens in 4.15.2 ...

r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold and r.Shadow.FadeResolution not affected by Scalability Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2018

r.Shadow.FadeResolution and r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold values in DefaultScalability.ini are not being applied ...

Unable to save blueprint after Hot Reload that affects the class the blueprint is based on

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2015

After hot reloading a project, if the class a blueprint is based off of was edited, the blueprint is unable to be saved due to being referenced in Engine/Transient. Project for Repro: [Link Removed ...

Can Ever Affect Navigation does not detect updates to collision settings at runtime

UE - AI - Jan 27, 2016

When a mesh has its collision updated during runtime the navigation around the mesh does not update. Workaround: If the mesh is set to simulate physics then updates to its collision will update nav ...

Crash freeing FClothingComboInfo array when importing LOD Level 8 of Skeletal Mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Nov 10, 2017

This does not occur in 4.17.2 at CL 3658906 ...

Post Processing continues to affect Sprites after project setting defaults are disabled and all volumes and cameras' settings are disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 19, 2014

After disabling the defaults in Project Settings > Rendering > Default Postprocessing Settings, disabling all GlobalPostProcessSettings volumes, and setting the Post Process Blend Weight in the play ...

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self (4.8)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 20, 2015

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...

Crash upon opening a level that is parented to a Custom Level Script

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 30, 2015

The attached project will crash whenever attempting to load the default map which is parented to a custom level script made by the user. Note: This issue doesn't occur for all maps in the project. ...

SetActorEnableCollision does not affect Destructible meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jan 4, 2016

Setting the SetActorEnableCollision blueprint node to false does not disable collision for a destructible mesh. Workaround: Adding a static Mesh component and setting any mesh will cause the collis ...