Morph target for SK_BoxMorph_1 exceeds 1.0, causes the sphere shape to bend inward

Docs - Samples - Jul 10, 2017

In Content Examples, the morph targets assigned to SK_Box_Morph_1 exceed 1.0. While it's not "wrong" for morphs to go beyond that, it doesn't seem like it's a great demonstration in the asset. Goi ...

Camera Shake Oscillation Duration no longer accepts -1 as indefinite

UE - Gameplay - Jul 30, 2015

The Camera Shake Class no longer allows for indefinite shaking via setting a negative value in the Oscillation duration, per the tooltip instructions. This happens when using either the Play World ...

Particle AnimTrails do not render on Android with Mali chipset when using OpenGL ES 3.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 22, 2016

Particle AnimTrails are not rendering on Mali but will render on the Adreno when using the OpenGL ES 3.1. ES2 renders correctly on both devices, just ES 3.1 does not. The devices compared: Working ...

Setting Physics Blend Weight to anything between 0 and 1 causes erratic behavior

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 27, 2015

If the user simulates all bodies, and then sets the physics blend weight to a decimal value between 0 and 1, the skeletal meshes will spin out of control. This doesn't happen if the physics blend w ...

Lighting does not properly affect landscapes under another landscape, even if Static Lighting Resolution is increased

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 29, 2015

Lighting does not properly affect landscapes that are below another landscape, even after static lighting resolution is increased. This results in some areas that should be completely shadowed to ha ...

Brush Clip Affects Surrounding Geometry Beyond the Geometry It Is Applied To

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Dec 2, 2016

Brush Clip affects the surrounding geometry beyond the geometry it is applied to. (*See attached image for clarification) Regression: No ...

TMaps with instanced objects: modifying instanced object data in child affects parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 25, 2023

Given a TMap where the value type is an instanced object: when a child blueprint is saved with modifications to the TMap, and then additional TMap are added to the parent blueprint and the child blu ...

Crash when applying Radial force to a BSP when Radial force is set to affect World static

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2019

If a radial force component applies force to a BSP the editor will crash. The radial force will need to be set to affect world static objects. ...

Depth Fade Material + Mobile HDR Disabled does not work with OpenGL 3.1 on Oculus Go

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 28, 2018

"Depth Fade" material node does not work on Oculus Go with Open GL 3.1 active and Mobile HDR disabled. Seems very similar to [Link Removed] however disabling Separate Translucency or calling  r.M ...

The slider handle in UMG is clipping at 0 and 1

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 20, 2016

If the user sets the value on the slider to 0 or 1 the handle will clip as it appears to go too far to either side. ...