Unable to compile when using FReadScopeLock

UE - Foundation - Core - May 24, 2016

Attempting to initialize FReadScopeLock with FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT* causes unresolved external errors. ...

FBX Scene Import duplicates assets within scene

Tools - May 24, 2016

While importing scenes, assets within the scene get duplicated. ...

Crash related to Vertex Painting - MeshPaint!CastChecked<AActor,UObject>()

Tools - May 23, 2016

This crash was reported on the UDN. Upon further investigation it has been experienced by a handful of different users throughout 4.11 and 4.12. JIRA logged for tracking despite unknown repro steps ...

Controller input changes for network players based on which window has focus

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 23, 2016

When testing networked multiplayer with two controllers, if the server window (editor) has focus, controller 1 controls the server character and controller 2 controls the client character. If the c ...

C++ Third Person Template does not accept input for server character in PIE

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 23, 2016

When testing network multiplayer in PIE, server character does not respond to input and cannot be controlled. ...

Damage Causer description different between Radial Damage and Radial Damage with Falloff

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 23, 2016

The tooltip text describes the Damage Causer of Radial Damage with Falloff differently than the Damage Causer for Radial Damage nodes. These should be the same. Regression (no) issue (does) occur ...

Polish characters are not recognized when importing a csv data table

Tools - May 20, 2016

Polish characters are not recognized when importing a csv data table. The same characters are recognized if copied/pasted into data table names after import. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in ...

Ensure triggered with multiple AddInstance() calls for InstancedStaticMeshComponent

UE - Graphics Features - May 20, 2016

Adding multiple instances to instance static mesh component in a code class causes an ensure to trigger when an instance of the class is added to the level. ...

Sphere trace hit location and impact point are identical

UE - Gameplay - May 19, 2016

When using a sphere trace, the Hit.Location and Hit.ImpactPoint report at the same location. According to the documentation, Hit Location would be the location of the actor where Impact Point would ...

Touch End events do not fire if asset is moved from under touch location

UE - Gameplay - May 19, 2016

Touch End does not get fired if actor is not under cursor when released. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...