Changing Physical Surface Name and Reassigning It From Default Value Crashes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 18, 2016

Changing the name of a physical surface that has already been applied to a physical material will cause a crash, if you try to reapply the renamed physical material from default. The physical materi ...

Actors simultaneously spawned in to different sublevels contain the same name

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2016

Actors simultaneously spawned in to different sublevels contain the same name. This is not true if the actors are manually placed within each level. ...

Spawning Actor from existing Actor which has a procedural mesh causes crash.

UE - Gameplay - Oct 17, 2016

If SpawnActor is used with a class of an existing Actor that has a Procedural Mesh, the game will crash. ...

Duplicating actor in level clears some default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 17, 2016

Duplicating actor in level clears some default values. This may be related to changing values within a referenced blueprint. ...

Logging in Shipping Builds on Android are not saving

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 17, 2016

Logs aren't being saved on Android devices, even when the source files are updated to reflect output logs. However, they were working in 4.12. iOS logs are showing up in shipping. ...

Ribbon Particles Ignores Rotation and Uses World Location When Enabling Local Space

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

When enabling local space in the required module the ribbon type data doesn't behave as expected. In the test project the two versions of a particle system have been set up one with local space enab ...

Local Space With World Offset Module Not Working As Expected For Ribbon Particles

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

When a ribbon data particle emitter is set to use local space and has a world offset module applied, it will rotate in the opposite direction if the particle system is rotated in the scene. Additio ...

FStreamableManager Unload doesn't unload asset hard references

UE - Gameplay - Oct 17, 2016

After calling Unload( ) on FStreamableManager, asset hard references are still valid and usable. ...

Material billboards cannot be scaled

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

Material billboards cannot be scaled. The Material billboard appears to be unaffected by setting its scale ...

Radial Impulse does not affect objects unless it can affect both center of mass and collision if center of mass is outside of collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 17, 2016

Firing a radial impulse does not affect an object whose center of mass is located outside of its' collision unless both the center and the collision are simultaneously affected by the same force. ...