Rapid Memory consumption when adjusting slider value for Blueprint in Details Panel

UE - Graphics Features - May 12, 2016

When a Planar Reflection component has been added to a Blueprint that has adjustable sliders that can be edited via the Details panel that updates the Blueprint via the construction script the memor ...

Imprecise Rotation Values produced in the Details Panel when using the Rotation Widget in the Viewport

Tools - Mar 29, 2016

Starting with an asset (static mesh for instance) with a precise rotation value (such as a whole number) in the details panel will result in a imprecise, slightly fractional off value when rotated ...

SButton does not release mouse capture if it becomes disabled before MouseUp event occurs

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 8, 2016

It appears that if a slate widget becomes disabled, the MouseUp events won't fire. As a side effect, a mouse capture will not be released if something causes the button to become disabled before the ...

Event Dispatchers do not update references when renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2016

Event Dispatchers do not update event references when renamed if the green "+" is used to add the event in the Details Pane of an actor component. Note: Event Dispatchers appear to rename normally ...

Vertex Painting on Blueprint Static Mesh components lost on copy

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 1, 2015

After vertex painting on a Static Mesh component of a Blueprint, the Vertex paint data is lost when the Blueprint is copied. Oddly, pasting into a text editor shows VertexColorData, but it seems to ...

BP structures added as local variables do not retain default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 31, 2015

Adding a BP structure as a local variable to a function in a UMG widget graph will display the correct default values in the editor, but zero out to per-element defaults at run time. Update: Other ...

Cannot bind event dispatchers between two blueprints that share a parent class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 23, 2015

Cannot bind event dispatchers between two blueprints that share a parent class. This issue also occurs if you use the parent as a variable in the child. The bind event dispatcher seems to only take ...

Piloting character actor with camera not working properly

Tools - Jun 11, 2015

When using the pilot function a character actor with a camera actor cannot move around properly. This issue may be due to something with the LevelEditorViewport.cpp UpdateViewForLockedActor function ...

Cmd+W and Cmd+Q Keybindings for Mac Both Close the Editor

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 16, 2015

While in the Editor with a Mac the user can press either Cmd+W or Cmd+Q to exit. The user on AnswerHub is reporting that the Cmd+W should close an active window or tab, where as the Cmd+Q keybinding ...

PostProcess for SceneCapture2D currently not working

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 29, 2014

Currently if you set a SceneCapture2D's "Capture Source" to "Final Color (LDR with PostProcess)", the result of the screen capture becomes just a black texture. If you set the SF_Tonemapper show fl ...