Exposure Compensation in PP Has No Effect in Mobile LDR Mode

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 2, 2018

Tested in 4.19, 4.20 Preview, and 4.21 Main.  Per User: Lack of the ability to tune-up the Exposure Compensation makes the scene lighting look visually incorrect, especially in fully baked environ ...

AddLocalTransform node does not match scale behavior described in the node's documentation

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 29, 2018

The comment for the AddLocalTransform node states "Change in transform of the component in its local reference frame. Scale is unchanged." However, when the node is used, the existing scale of the o ...

Snap To Grid doesn't function in the Static Mesh Editor's Perspective View when moving Sockets

Tools - Jun 29, 2018

When moving Sockets around in Orthographic View with Snap to Grid enabled, Sockets snap to the Position Grid Snap value when moved along the Grid. In Perspective View this is not the case and moving ...

Console is off screen in VR preview when windows scaling is set to 150% or above

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 29, 2018

Windows scaling appears to affect the HMD if the project is open on a screen with window scaling being used. ...

Plugin module is not reloaded when a game module that depends on the plugin module is hot reloaded

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Jun 28, 2018

Performing a hot reload after modifying game code (plugin code is unmodified) does not also reload plugin modules. In the attached project, there are some log messages output when the plugin module ...

Instanced Subobjects on Children BPs point to Parent BP's instance if both are loaded when creating the object

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 27, 2018

The Instanced Subobject values for the Child_BP are same as what the Parent_BP subobject values are changed to before compile and saving both Blueprint Objects. Tested in 4.18.3 (CL-3832480), 4.19. ...

Static mesh created using a procedural mesh component does not appear to save

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Jun 27, 2018

Creating a static mesh via the create static mesh button in a procedural mesh component creates a mesh that does not appear to save. If the editor is restarted the mesh asset is lost. ...

Textures That Are Not Visible in Viewport Use Low Res Mip During Play in Selected Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 26, 2018

I am unable to test the User-provided sample project in any engine version other than 4.19.2.  Per User who reported issue: Mips for textures that are not visible in the viewport but get showed du ...

Event Dispatcher implementation called several times (number of bound refs increases every compile)

UE - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2018

The number of calls to the Event Dispatcher increase each time the blueprint actor containing the reference is compiled. This issue was not present in 4.18.3 (CL-3832480) but is in 4.19.2 (CL-403378 ...

Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh appears to be offset

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 25, 2018

When using an instanced static mesh, it appears that the location can differ from that of a static mesh that is created in the same manner. ...