Enable Slate layout caching Will cause the Stop/Play Buttons to disappear

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 17, 2018

When using the command Slate.EnableLayoutCaching 1, The Play button is removed from the tool bar after exiting play. ...

Cameras rotate incorrectly in Sequencer when using Key All and Auto-Key options

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 14, 2018

Sequencer is having issues handling a camera rotation going past -180 or 180 degrees with multiple keyframes when Key All and Auto-Key options are enabled. This results in unwanted 180 degree flip w ...

Animation Rate Scale does not appear to have an affect when blending an animation with two different Rate Scales

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2018

Rate Scale does not appear to have an effect when using a blend space that blends an animation with two separate Rate scales. ...

Impossible to Batch Build on UnrealVS with Japanese Visual Studio

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealVS - Dec 14, 2018

Sequencer:The Spawned AnimBP variable is not changed during the second play

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 14, 2018

The Spawned AnimBP variable is not changed during the second play. When changing Spawned AnimBP variables from Sequencer Track, the first change works correct. Second time, It can not be changed co ...

Unable to open generated.h file in Visual Studio

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Dec 13, 2018

This is related to [Link Removed], and possibly the same issue. It is still not possible to open a generated.h file from within a project solution. I was able to reproduce this in both a binary Engi ...

Creating Anim Montage drops a frame(s)

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2018

When creating an animation montage, it appears that frames can be lost. ...

TVOS - Packaging CPP project fails when "Support Bitcode in Shipping" enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 13, 2018

Unable to package a CPP project with Bitcode enabled Confirmed in MAIN 4.22 @ CL 4655014 with error [404/405] sh /Users/compile/UE4/Builds/RDU-WD-11740/D/Projects/AJ_421CPP_4.22/Binaries/TVOS/ ...

Impossible to save assets after change in redirectors

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Dec 13, 2018

One of our licensees pointed out this problem. I've tried all the common redirector problems (write / read permission, multiple instances of the editor, renaming the assets, running the commandle ...

FBX export - BP StaticMesh Scales from Mesh Origin

Tools - Dec 13, 2018

Unexpected behaviour with meshes scaled via BP and exported via .fbx (.obj looks to function as expected) Confirmed in 4.22 Main CL 4648854 ...