[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!CropRawTrack() [animsequence.cpp:1798]

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2018

Comment from user in crash groupTried to delete frames in an animation ...

Cameras rotate incorrectly in Sequencer when using Key All and Auto-Key options

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 14, 2018

Sequencer is having issues handling a camera rotation going past -180 or 180 degrees with multiple keyframes when Key All and Auto-Key options are enabled. This results in unwanted 180 degree flip w ...

Events do not trigger after the sequence is moved to a different location

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 14, 2018

Events are failing to trigger after the sequence that they are in is moved to another folder or migrated to another project because no director instance is available. I did not see this issue when ...

Animation Rate Scale does not appear to have an affect when blending an animation with two different Rate Scales

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2018

Rate Scale does not appear to have an effect when using a blend space that blends an animation with two separate Rate scales. ...

Unable to open generated.h file in Visual Studio

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Dec 13, 2018

This is related to [Link Removed], and possibly the same issue. It is still not possible to open a generated.h file from within a project solution. I was able to reproduce this in both a binary Engi ...

Creating Anim Montage drops a frame(s)

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2018

When creating an animation montage, it appears that frames can be lost. ...

Get Transform at Distance Along Spline does not work properly with Blueprint Nativization enabled if the Spline has multiple points

Tools - Dec 13, 2018

Using Get Transform at Distance Along Spline with a spline that has multiple points along with Blueprint Nativization causes the output of the node to become unpredictable. Regression? No This occ ...

Animation metadata with an instanced subobject will display "Multiple Values" for all fields when recompiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 13, 2018

Animation metadata doesn't seem to properly support metadata with instanced subobjects, and breaks upon recompile when the data is reserialized. This seems similar to [Link Removed] and the other is ...

TVOS - Packaging CPP project fails when "Support Bitcode in Shipping" enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 13, 2018

Unable to package a CPP project with Bitcode enabled Confirmed in MAIN 4.22 @ CL 4655014 with error [404/405] sh /Users/compile/UE4/Builds/RDU-WD-11740/D/Projects/AJ_421CPP_4.22/Binaries/TVOS/ ...

FBX export - BP StaticMesh Scales from Mesh Origin

Tools - Dec 13, 2018

Unexpected behaviour with meshes scaled via BP and exported via .fbx (.obj looks to function as expected) Confirmed in 4.22 Main CL 4648854 ...