ApplicationReceivedScreenOrientationChangedNotificationDelegate does NOT work properly on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 5, 2019

ApplicationReceivedScreenOrientationChangedNotificationDelegate supports iOS but not Android. Probably, Java_com_epicgames_ue4_GameActivity_nativeOnConfigurationChanged should be useful for fix thi ...

The packaged build of a project that has a strong pointer initialized to nullptr immediately closes on launch

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 2, 2019

When a strong pointer is set to null the packaged build of the game will immediately close. No crash logs were were made and no Saved folder was made (<Project Name>/Saved/Logs). An example project ...

Dependent modules, compiled from editor, link to wrong versions

UE - Platform - Linux - Aug 2, 2019

The project consists of 2 modules, "ReloadBug" and "DependentModule." DependentModule has a one-way dependency on ReloadBug, and ReloadBug is the primary game module. On module load, DependentModule ...

RSTP Stream does not appear to work with Media Streaming source assets

Media Framework - Aug 2, 2019

It appears that RSTP streams do not work in editor when used with a Stream Media Source asset. ...

Possessing and Unpossessing a Pawn when using NetCulling causes the Client to lock up

UE - Networking - Aug 1, 2019

In this test bench, they are using a APawn with a custom replicated Movement Component rather than using a ACharacter and they are getting a different result that ends up in a permanent softlock of ...

Apple TV - Cloudkit - Infinite loop

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 31, 2019

When cloudkit is enabled, the regular Apple TV may get stuck in an infinite loop in FOnlineUserCloudInterfaceIOS::OnReadUserCloudFileBegin(): while (CloudFile && CloudFile->AsyncState == EOnlineAsy ...

Consecutive runs of a Functional Test do not populate screenshot differences in the Screen Comparison Tab

UE - Automation Test - Jul 31, 2019

Consecutive runs of a Functional Test do not populate screenshot differences in the Screen Comparison Tab Discovered during the verification of [Link Removed], that issue was closed due to the setu ...

4.22.1 Crash in FVulkanResourceMultiBuffer::Lock

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 31, 2019

Vulkan Multibuffer Lock mechanism for ReadOnly does not appear to be implemented. Temporary workaround has been provided to licensee. ...

Set Component Tick doesn't work on Cascade Particle Systems

UE - Niagara - Jul 31, 2019

Changing the Component Tick Interval via Blueprints has no effect on Cascade particle system components. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647), 4.23 P3 (CL - 7445012), 4.24 (CL - ...