Shift Fonts Metrics when using a high-resolution monitor

Tools - Dec 4, 2019

[Image Removed] ...

Pasted material function nodes lose their connections

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 3, 2019

The fix for [Link Removed] caused a regression where links to material nodes no longer carry over when a group of nodes is copied and pasted ~ User submitted Image and repro steps appended. I conf ...

r.AllowOcclussionQueries causing "huge RenderQuery Result" wait time in VR

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 3, 2019

Running r.AllowOcclusionQueries 0 command seems to set bWait = true, causing large wait times Tested: 4.22.3 CL#7053642 ,   4.24P4 CL#10387632 , 4.25 CL#10479005 Link to the users video, which ...

SteamVR - WidgetComponent DrawAtDesiredSize lag spike

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 3, 2019

Having an actor with a WidgetComponent + DrawAtDesiredSize will cause a lag spike when size changes in VR. Additionally, If you enter a value other than 100 in SetWorldToMetersScale the 'draw at ...

[Feature Request] SingleWaterLayer Materials don't receive shadows with Baked or Partially Dynamic Lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 2, 2019

Using baked and dynamic lighting produces varying results when implementing SingleWaterLayer Materials. This was reported and tested in 4.24 Preview 4 (CL-10387632) and reproduced in Main 4.25 (CL ...

Crash when enabling Level of Detail Coloration viewmodes in the Dataprep editor while using DX12

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 2, 2019

Crash when enabling Level of Detail Coloration viewmodes in the Dataprep editor while using DX12 This crash does not occur when the project is opened with DX11. Note that the Dataprep editor does ...

Oculus controllers are hidden in Collab VR template

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 2, 2019

Oculus Rift motion controllers aren't visible and don't respond to button input from the controllers in Collab VR. Found in 4.23.1 CL#9631420 Reproduced in 4.24 Preview 4 CL#10387632, 4.25 Main CL# ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!FDDSLoadHelper::IsValidCubemapTexture() [DDSLoader.cpp:158]

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 2, 2019

Generated from CrashReporter ...

Geometry Collection crashing in Vulkan

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 2, 2019

After adding a Cube to the Viewport and creating a Geometry Collection the Editor will crashing in the Vulkan RHI. This crash does not happen in DirectX or if the Geometry Collection is made before ...