"Get Sense Class for Stimulus" node doesn't return AISense class when using "Make AIStimulus" struct as input

UE - AI - Perception - Nov 11, 2020

This issue was reported by an user. I reproed the issue and created this Jira ticket for the user. User was trying to to add values to the 'Stimulus' struct coming straight out from 'On Target Perc ...

Compiling with VS2019 16.6 later causes garbled characters in output window

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 10, 2020

Using old behavior by applying true to NMakeUseOemCodePage property solves this issue.  in VCProject.cs​// Project globals (project GUID, project type, SCC bindings, etc) { VCProjectFi ...

Meshs in a hidden sublevel may generate incorrect navmesh

UE - AI - Navigation - Nov 6, 2020

If the level has hidden sublevels, the regenerated navmesh result appears to have a hidden sublevel mesh placed at the origin. Apparently, the reason is that bNavigationRelevant is no longer consid ...

Default values specified for local BP variables of type DateTime and Timespan don't actually work

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Nov 6, 2020

Have attached examples of this in action, including breakpoints showing the FDateTime::Ticks count as zero. Also showed that this is an issue for the existing GetYear/GetMonth/GetDay methods (and an ...

BroadcastNetworkFailure called twice when outdated client network failure is received

UE - Networking - Nov 5, 2020

When a pending net game on a client receives a NMT_Upgrade control message, a network failure of type OutdatedClient is broadcast. Then during TickWorldTravel when the client tries to return to the ...

RVT Material Preview incorrect in Landscape paint target layers

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Nov 5, 2020

Camera Component struct instance parameters not recorded by Take Recorder when recording to Spawnables

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 3, 2020

Filmback settings don't have their default values recorded from the source actor in Take Recorder when recording to spawnables. ...

Blueprint Editor Show Grid does not toggle the grid in the viewport

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 28, 2020

The grid in the blueprint editor is not able to be hidden via the Show Grid flag in the viewport dropdown. This has regressed sometime in //Ue4/Release-4.25 as I cannot reproduce this issue in //UE4 ...

Datasmith Metadata returned as empty array on Python Import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Oct 27, 2020

Metadata information seems to not be available on import. A user has reported that this was working before but I was able to reproduce the issue in //UE4/Release-4.24 cl 11590370 I am currently lis ...

Can't Play In Editor after editing color value in color picker

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 23, 2020

Can not launch PIE after set the value in color picker window to enter a number from the keyboard. Choose the color value with the picker or close the window with the Cancel button to return to it.  ...