Collision preset in StaticmeshComponent in BP instance can not be correctly modified

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 3, 2020

For staticmesh component in a staticmesh actor instance, the collision preset can be modified correctly. ...

Per-object shadow corrupts on Android Vulkan

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 2, 2020

Error: FAsyncPackage::LoadImports for <some asset>: Skipping import PaperTileMap /Script/Paper2D.Default__PaperTileMapActor:RenderComponent.PaperTileMap_0, depends on missing native class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 30, 2020

User reporting seeing this error start appearing in 4.25.1 (possibly 4.25.x, unsure if they were previously testing on 4.25.0 or not). It appears 'benign' as the expected data still gets loaded, bu ...

Setting the Collision Response of an instanced actor through the Details panel overrides the Construction Script setting

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 23, 2020

The collision response of an actor can be changed through the Details panel of the instanced actor and this overrides the collision response settings that were set through the Construction Script. ...

Several issues with 4.25.1 and Win 7

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 22, 2020

Users are reporting issues with the 4.25.1 hotfix and Win 7, including running cooked builds and the editor crashing: ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D11RHI!FD3D11RenderQueryBatcher::PerFrameFlush() [D3D11Query.cpp:45]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 22, 2020

Generated from CrashReporter ...

For Level Sequence with multiple Shot and Transform Tracks, the Restore State of a Level Sequence Actor may not work due to the When Finished setting of the Transform Track.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 19, 2020

LevelSequenceActor's Restore State is enabled, but the character does not return to the position it was in before the level sequence was played.  The LevelSequence of the attached project has two S ...

Packaging a blueprint only project with Nativization fails

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 18, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 Packaging a blueprint only project with Nativization enabled results in a failure during the Staging phase. A message appears reading the following:Missing UE4Ga ...

If using High Quality Gaussian DoF on Mobile, the whole screen is always blurred

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 17, 2020

When High Quality Gaussian DoF on Mobile is enabled, the entire screen is always blurred.  I confirmed that it works properly in 4.24. Also, I confirmed that adding the modified CL of [Link Remove ...