Groom Binding Asset not saving

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 12, 2020

After the user imports an alembic groom asset and creates a binding, then saves, the user opens the groom editor and assigns the newly-created binding asset. After saving the editor and re-opens the ...

Undo function breaks local variables in Blueprint Function after compiling

UE - Gameplay - Oct 8, 2020

Blueprint functions appear to correctly associate local variables when renaming the function. However when undoing a rename with ctrl-z the local variables appear to lose their association. Redoing ...

Connection is broken between Custom event and Collapsed Graph, which is promoted to Macro

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 8, 2020

When user promotes collapsed graph that has connection to custom event to macro, connection between that custom event and new macro is brokenThis is not the case when directly collapsing selected no ...

Crash When You Add Get Landscape Material Node

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 7, 2020

After staring a new, blank project, and adding a generic blueprint actor, the editor crashes after you add a "Get Landscape Material" Proxy to the event graph within the blueprint. ...

UBlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary is inaccessible through Python script

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 7, 2020

The BlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary API is not accessible through python scripts run in the editor. Attempting to run a script utilizing BplueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary results in:LogPython: Error: Traceb ...

Ensure/Crash upon opening TM-Hair with Vulkan RHI | Ensure condition failed: DepthStencilLayout == VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 7, 2020

Ensure happening on both Linux and Windows when using Vulkan RHI. Editor will Crash on Linux however when map TM-Hair is opened. Not a Regression, TM-Hair and Grooming feature is new to 4.26 and do ...

Cannot use Assign node with a Wildcard Container parameters

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 6, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.25 User is not able to use the Assign node with wildcard containers. The node is always made with single value parameter inputs and will generate compile errors. ...

Static Mesh imported from USD file has empty UV channel

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 6, 2020

When importing static mesh from USD file then it has the wrong amount of UV channels. Selecting a UV channel shows an empty area in the viewport. Regression: YES - not reproduced in 4.25.3 produc ...

Mac - Xcode fails to build C++ project with a Shell Script Invocation Error

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 5, 2020

This does not occur in 4.25.4 Binary and is a regression. ...