FPlatformMisc::RequestExit freezes app in IOS

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 12, 2022

See the UDN question (duplicated below). I think we need to better manage the lifetime of the event we use for synchronization here. We are experiencing an issue where when FPlatformMisc::Request ...

Editor-only blueprints like WidgetBlueprint are not added to cooked asset registry class hierarchy

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 10, 2022

Both the Asset Registry and Asset Manager look for all subclasses of UBlueprintCore and use that to search for blueprint classes and construct an inheritance hierarchy. This always works in editor b ...

Fix iterative cooks to keep track of CookAdditionalFiles and delete them when the package file that created them is invalidated

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 23, 2022

A licensee reports they are using the CookAdditionalFilesOverride function in UObject to add files to the project. This file is properly copied into the Staging area during Packaging, and is appropr ...

"Base Pass Shader" stat results are missing or display incorrect information while using Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Nov 15, 2021

Base Pass Shader results are not showing, or showing up incorrectly when looking at the Stats results within the material editor of an Unreal Editor using Vulkan. Regression Tested: //UE4/Release-4 ...

Specific Blend Mode of Material on UMG render incorrectly when HDR is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 27, 2022

This issue occurs with the Additive and Alpha Holdout settings. ...

FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk fails to find maps when using IOStore

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 26, 2022

This bug was discovered by a user who tried changing level through the 'servertravel' console command (HandleServerTravelCommand).  Debugging shows that FindFilesAtPathInIndex won't return anything ...

Merge actor issue with similar materials

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Dec 16, 2022

Resizing panels causes ghosting/shifting of contents during drag

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 13, 2022

Resizing the editor window or any floating panel causes the panel contents to jitter during drag.   See attached images.  The jittering one is from Main and the normal behavior was captured in UEFN. ...

In-editor hitch when deleting one actor in a world with many loaded actors

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2023

When editing a level with many actors (1000+), deleting an actor results in a noticeable hitch: the editor becomes unresponsive for seconds. This hitch becomes longer the more actors are loaded and ...