Water line is misaligned if screen percentage is less than 100% while Temporal Upsampling is enabled. ...
Currently, double clicking on a thumbnail for a SoftObjectPtr to a UWorld will load that level in the level editor without checking if the current world is dirty or prompting to save. This can resul ...
Sequencer determines audio duration based on the sound, which does not factor in pitch information, so the duration will be incorrect, leading to incorrect playback. ...
GetInstanceTransitionTimeElapsed doesn't use TransitionIndex. float UAnimInstance::GetInstanceTransitionTimeElapsed(int32 MachineIndex, int32 TransitionIndex) { // Just an alias for readabili ...
When trying to create a widget with specific steps, the drawing order may not be correct. This is not reproduced when Global Invalidation is disabled, and the state can be restored. This issue is pr ...
Hit the following Ensure when trying to use the Spectrum Analyser. Also hit this in 4.26 so it doesn't appear to be a regression. Occurs with any of the following Band Settings or when creating you ...
An FBX exported from 3DEXCITE DELTAGEN fails to parse correctly in the latest FBX SDK and crashes the UE importer. This FBX is automatically repaired when loaded into Maya (citing "polygons with ov ...